National Guidance and Religious Affairs



The mandate of the department of National Guidance and Religious Affairs is to facilitate the promotion of the national values and principles and the acquisition of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation while upholding individual person’s right to freedom of conscience, belief or religion as contained in part II Article 8 and the preamble of the Constitution (Amendment) Act No. 2 of 2016 respectively.

The specific portfolio functions of the department, according to the Government Gazette Notice No. 1123 of 2021, Vol. LVII. No. 90, the organizational structure report for the office of the Vice President by Management Development Division (MDD) OF 2021, and the Constitution Amendment Act No. 2 of 2016, include:

  1. National Guidance
  2. National values, principles, and ethics:
  3. Christian Affairs:
  4. Interfaith dialogue:
  5. Public religious celebrations:
  6. Preservation of Christian and religious Sites:
  7. Religious Affairs.


The Department of National Guidance and Religious Affairs is mandated to perform the following functions:

  1. Provide guidance on the promotion of national unity, national symbols, good morals, social justice and good governance within a Christian framework.
  2. Facilitate the actualization and translation of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation into practical and workable realistic interventions.
  3. Preparation of annual unity, national symbols, good morals, social justice and good governance for onward submission to his excellency, the President and the National Assembly.
  4. Collaborate with the National Heritage and conservation Commission on the preservation of worthwhile traditions and customs.
  5. Coordination of religious events of a public nature in which the state has an interest.
  6. Promote interfaith dialogue
  7. Provide overall policy and legal framework on matters pertaining to Zambia’s Christianity status.